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About us


We are an outreach ministry of the Metropolitan Bible Baptist Church (Manila, Philippines) whose Senior Pastor is Bienvenido Mirando Abante, Jr. DEAR stands for District Evangelistic Ministry. We are a fundamental Baptist church in Toronto that uses the King James Version of the Bible.  We believe in strong Bible centered preaching, old fashioned singing, soul-winning and Biblical separation from the world.  There are many different types of churches in our country today and even many kinds of Baptist churches for people to choose from.  Let’s take a look at our kind of Baptist church.


We believe in pastoral authority where the pastor leads the church in matters of faith and practice.  When it comes to the preaching of the Bible, or who speaks for special meetings, the pastor is the one who makes those decisions.  When it comes to finances and the physical operation of the church, we decide on those things as a church family.  All of our missionaries are chosen by the church and all money sent out of the church is  designated by our people.


We believe in the fundamentals of the faith.  These are foundational truths that are the bedrock of our beliefs.  There are five fundamentals:  1. The inerrancy of the Bible – We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God without errors and is preserved in the English language through the King James Bible.  2. The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ – We believe that Jesus Christ is God and has always existed as the second person of the Trinity.  3. The Virgin Birth – We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and did not have an earthly father.  This means that Jesus was born without a sin nature and was the Lamb of God without spot or blemish.  4.  The blood atonement – We believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross and paid for our sins with His shed blood.  He lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death to purchase our salvation.  5.  The bodily resurrection – We believe that when Jesus died and was buried that He arose from the grave on the third day and because of His resurrection, we also will be raised from the dead in the last days.


Baptist means that we identify with Baptist distinctives that have endured throughout the ages and can be traced back to the beginning of the church.  The Baptists were never a part of the protestant movement and have beliefs that differ from most protestant churches today.  We use an acrostic to define those distinctives.


B is for Bible, our only authority for faith and practice.

A is for Autonomy, the independence of the local church.

P is for Priesthood, the position of all believers that we have personal access to God through Jesus Christ.

T is for Two Ordinances, Baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper

I is for Individual Soul Liberty

S is for Saved & Baptized Church Membership

T is for Two Offices in the church, the pastor and Acts preachers

S is for the Separation of Church and State


We use the King James Version of the Bible in all of our services and activities.  We believe it is the preserved and inspired Word of God for English speaking people.  We also believe in the Great Commission to evangelize the world both at home and abroad.  We preach and teach the whole Bible, not just the parts that are popular or accepted in our world today.  We believe that salvation begins the process of a believer being changed into the image of God.  Christians that are growing ought to look and act differently than the unsaved world.  We are commanded to be the light and salt of the earth.  We are not better than anyone,  just different by design.  

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